Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Artificial Birth Control: More problems than solutions.

During the years of  being a practicing Catholic, I've gone back and forth on the birth control issue. There were times when we cheated and used condoms. After my son was born in 2009 I wasn't going to take any chances of getting pregnant again and my husband and I resumed the use of latex. As I waited for aunt Flo to arrive, I would start to panic and worry that the condom didn't work and I'd be pregnant again and deal with all the emotions that come a long with an unplanned pregnancy. I thought to myself how using this artificial method of birth control was not putting me at ease like I thought it should. We had also contemplated getting my husband "fixed."  We did this knowing full well the Church's teaching on artificial birth control. But we came across so many Catholics that chucked that teaching right out the window. So why not us?  Long story short, we found ourselves drifting further and further away from the Church but then by some miracle we came back and have embraced the Church's teaching on artificial birth control. We use NFP and I feel more confident and in control by following God's design of my body. Yet there are things that I have learned recently that I never thought of. Artificial birth control contributes to the abortion epidemic and condoms aren't the solution to the aids epidemic. The birth control pill came about in the interest of eugenics and racism and unfortunately the highest number of abortions are performed on African American women. Margeret Sanger's legacy lives on and not in a good way.

 Father Barron explains it best...


priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

I like your honesty- and the fact that you are reconciled to the Church's teaching! :)

Isn't Fr Barron great?

Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

So glad you are spreading the word on the connection between contraception and abortion! Hooray!

Unknown said...

Thanks PW and Leila!
I love Fr. Barron. I'm looking forward to his Catholicism series.

kkollwitz said...

Contraception is the handmaid of abortion.

DD said...

Thank you for directing me to your blog and I will keep tabs on you and your journies as well. I did watch the Father Barron video last week and the numbers shocked me too.


M Hastings said...

This is great! I also have waffled during my marriage and have come to love NFP! What an amazing way to celebrate our union! :) Thanks for the insight! You have a new follower!

Unknown said...

kkollwitz, agreed!

Thanks Demrie! One day I hope to be an RCIA sponsor so I'll enjoy cyber walking along with you on your journey into the Church.

M Hastings, so glad to have you here! I'm excited because my babysitter who's LDS who's engaged is now interested in NFP.