Monday, January 3, 2011

An Evening with an Exorcist

I came across this podcast of Fr. Thomas Euteneuer. It is VERY fascinating. It wasn't scary either.  Trust me, I'm easily spooked. I listened before bedtime and had no problems going to sleep. He remains upbeat throughout and also mentions Hollywood's treatment of exorcisms and the inaccuracies and over dramatizations. He said Hollywood movies give the devil much more power than he really has. Another interesting tidbit is about abortion clinics being infested with demons and how much Satan is involved in the abortion industry. Not that it's surprising but I was surprised in how it manifested itself and how some abortionist practice witchcraft.
Anyway, if you have almost an hour, sit back and listen to a very fascinating talk.
An Evening with an Exorcist


Kell Brigan said...

"Another interesting tidbit is about abortion clinics being infested with demons and how much Satan is involved in the abortion industry. Not that it's surprising but I was surprised in how it manifested itself and how some abortionist practice witchcraft."

Fall 2010, Human Life International stopped publication of Fr. Euteneuer's exorcism book, in which he makes these claims, and he was at the same time "requested" to move to a different diocese, and wound up leaving HLI. Claiming that everyone who is "pro-choice*" is possessed, or misrepresenting wiccans and neo-Pagans as Satanists, etc., is not only ridiculous, but also legally risky, and HLI no doubt broke ties with Fr. Euteneuer because they did not want to be associated with his extreme claims.

It is possible to be wrong without being evil, and claiming that abortion providers are possessed and demonic, etc. is simply another version of the blood libel, and is childish and intellectually sloppy. I'm far, far more concerned about pro-life activists who take such unmitigated, prurient joy in hating pro-choice people, and who indulge themselves in luxuriant condemnations. Life isn't nearly so tidy. There are pro-life people with rock-hard hearts, people who think they are good Christians who are in fact full of hate (and even "possessed," using Fr. Euteneuer's definition), and pro-choice people who are so because they are deeply compassionate (albeit, wrong.) Christians do not get to dehumanize anyone. It is impossible to love one's enemies -- or to fight a fair or effective political and ideological battle with them -- while simultaneously telling ridiculous, self-indulgent, prurient lies about them.

*I believe one of the first requirements in loving your enemies is using the names they choose for themselves; throwing insults at people and childish fights over nomenclature does no one any good.

Unknown said...

Kell, this is not his about his book that was recently pulled off the shelf. This podcast was from 2 years ago and is still on HLI's site and they also have his Evening with an Exorcist for sale. So they must not find anything wrong or misrepresenting about it. I haven't read his book and it's $975 at Amazon so that won't happen anytime soon.
On this podcast he mentioned that he got into exorcisms because of his work with HLI. It's quite possible then, that he was encountering demonic activity at some abortion clinics and he stated that some people in the clinics were practicing witchcraft and put a curse on someone and he had to exorcise demons from her. For him to do this he has to rule out psychological causes and get approval from a bishop. He didn't say all abortion clinics were doing this or all pro-choice people were evil, satanic, wiccans ect. He was speaking of some specific cases.
So we can speculate why he left HLI or if he throws insults at people but that is not what this post was about.

And yes, it's possible for people to be wrong and not evil. I'm certainly not suggesting that people who are pro-choice are evil. My sister and mother are pro-choice and I'm very close to both of them. I used to be pro-choice so I understand that usually it's out of good intentions. However, abortion in it of itself is evil.
Also, I personally have experience with witchcraft and neo-pagans. A very good friend of mine was one. He was a very good hearted person but toward the end of his life he kept having dreams of the "dark" man coming for him. Then he died suddenly. I was devastated. I've seen first hand what evil can come out of it even if it's unintentional. Evil does exist. The devil exist. All the nut job trigger happy "pro-lifers" in the world haven't come close to killing as many people as abortion has killed. If someone who calls themselves Christian is acting hateful and fanatical then they're a bad Christian. But this is still irrelevant to what this post and the podcast are about.