Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Snippets1/2/2011

Happy New Year! Here are my posts for the week for Sunday Snippets-Catholic Carnival run by RAnn at This That and The Other thing blogspot. I always learn something new while participating in this and reading other Catholic bloggers. So lets begin!

Angels singing.

I've been reading the book by Joan Wester Anderson,  Where Angels Walk which is about people's encounters with these heavenly creatures. It has been very inspiring. I read something about Angels singing and being caught on tape. I found this neat youtube video of this sort of thing. Haunting and beautiful at the same time. Enjoy!

That pesky devil banging pots and pans.

When I entered into RCIA, (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults,) the director warned us that we would be tested so expect things to go wrong. Quite an ominous message and yet he was so matter of fact about it. Sort of like,
"Oh by the way, now that you're here, the devil is probably gonna beat the snot out you so just carry on."

He was right. I did get tested. I almost gave up and I saw others deal with trials as well. Some of it was bureaucratic and some of it was personal. This stuck with me and made me somewhat reluctant in my faith journey. Knowing I'd be harassed simply because I was a Christian and that the devil would constantly try and trip me up was unsettling. I really did not want to bring attention to myself and become a target for Satan. But when you're a Christian that is exactly what is happening. Particularly when deepening one's faith.

1 comment:

Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

I am so happy you live in my neck of the woods!! I hope we meet someday!! Email me and tell me what parish you go to....