Thursday, February 3, 2011

Looking into the eyes of my Lord

Here's my new avatar. A while back when I started this blog I shared my story of the first time I went to Eucharistic Adoration, I saw an image of Jesus with the crown of thorns in the Host. I was perplexed by it and thought at first it was etched into the glass of the luna which is the flat circular case that holds the host. But when I asked my husband about it he said he didn't see anything and it has forever stuck with me.
I asked the Holy Spirit to help me recreate what I saw and I attempted to draw it. It is just a pencil drawing and didn't take long to draw it. I've drawn better but I've also drawn worse.
The other day I saw a recent study of the Shroud of Turin and where a digital artist working with scientists, took the image on the shroud and turned it into a 3D rendering. Once I saw it I decided to go back to my drawing and use the computer to color it in and enhance it. So, the picture on the right is the new color version of my drawing. For fun I wanted to compare it to the 3D image which is probably a very accurate of picture of what our Lord looked like when He walked the earth.

The video I saw on the rendering of the Shroud of Turin can be found here.

I believe the Shroud of Turin is our Lord's original burial cloth. The Church named it worthy of belief after much extensive testing by the most world re-known scientists. That will be another post for another day but believe me, once you hear what was discovered with the shroud and just the fact that the image itself defies scientific explanation, you will have to agree it wasn't just any ordinary person that was wrapped up in the shroud.
So I'm delighted to see the 3D rendering of God incarnate. He is quite handsome. I have to admit my heart flutters at the site. But the main reason I like to see it is because how much I desperately want to look into the eyes of my Lord. I'm torn between this life and the next. How much I desire to be in the arms of Jesus but that would mean leaving this world which I'm not ready to do. It's a strange paradox. The joy of being Christian. I heard that there's always a little sadness in joy and that's what the difference is between joy and happiness.  Also, it's difficult to see how horribly they brutalized Him. Perfect beautiful Lord abused so horrifically.  He was willing to go through that for the most heinous nasty sins ever imagined. It leaves me speechless sometimes. And ashamed. I want to look in His eyes and tell Him I'm sorry. He could destroy us for what we do but instead He died for us. Amazing and awesome.


M Hastings said...

I absolutely LOVE the shroud of Turin! My priest did 3 weeks' worth of Sunday homilies about it and it was FASCINATING! Really dove into the significance of the image in so many ways! :)

That's amazing that you saw the Christ in the Host! :) Thank you for sharing and you are quite the artist. Couldn't choose a better subject! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you M! The Shroud of Turin is so fascinating. I get frustrated when I hear the media say it's "controversial" and some consider it a "fake." when the evidence for the Shroud is quite compelling. I would have loved to hear those homilies.